Sarah R. and Sam's Root Stems Dictionary!


                     In Ms. Tutuska's class we study Greek and Latin Root Stems. On this page we mix and match these words to make new ones. For example sub means under and aqua means water so, subaqua means under water! What if you were strolling down 5th avenue, and you wanted to say an origional word to somebody. You could use Sarah R. and Sam G.'s stupendous Root Stems Dictionary! So you went up to a stranger and said, have you been subaqua lately? They would probably look at you like you're a crazy mental person, but if you told them about this website the world would be a lot more amusing! New words will be posted weekly. I hope you enjoy this creative page!

 This page isn't just for fun, it can help you study for your root stems. Root stems don't just help with Ms. Tutuska's class, they show up in the SAT's, the PASS test, in books, and in life. You can create your own root stems to study for life. This is a facile, and amusing thing to create. 


Neoarchy meaning: new government.


Pretemp meaning: before time.

(If dinosaurs can read so can you.)

Multianthropo meaning: many men.


Exfore meaning: out front.


Benephon meaning: good sound.


protoanthropo meaning: first man.


monotemp meaning: one time.


magnareg meaning: large king.


microlum meaning: little light.


benepater meaning: good father.


desub meaning: down under. (the tree)



unequi meaning: not equal.


nonardmal meaning: not always bad.☺


adcredantiarchysyn meaning: to believe against government together.




cedeintrocentneoarchybiblios meaning: go into 100 new government books.


Aquabell meaning: water war.


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